Friday, July 31, 2020

Heart Surgery - Ode to shipping industry.

I was over the weekend in ICU at Asklipeio. Two days.  Indication was bad: Clogged arteries 99/70/50% and immediate bypass surgery. I am trying urgently to go to surgery for bypass.  The doctors initially urged me to contact Olympic Maritime, where I used to work for a place at the Onassio ASAP.  They have shown little or no interest in my case at least so far. It works like a private hospital. I am on the waiting list at the Ippokrateio for surgery.  Like every public hospital , they want to see my case and then I go to the waiting list. 

I am losing ground with the arteries and lack of proper oxygen in the blood.  How I was normal and healthy just a few weeks ago was a miracle given the advanced condition.  I had a triplex and blood tests in October with very positive results. 

Last night I had significantly worse angina attack in terms of pain, this time to shoulders and back and in terms of duration.

This ordeal with my health reflects much of my disappointment and frustration with the shipping industry over the years.  I have never had many really productive relationships.  The shipping industry has been a bad experience for me. 

This is the cost of getting involved in the shipping industry that started with Thanasis Martinos and later with the Onassis Group.  It was my choice and responsibility.  I always wanted to be active, creative, responsible and productive. But it never really brought me the happiness, well-being and satisfaction that I wanted.  Lots of disappointment and unhappiness.

Maybe things will change, but I have no reason to be optimistic, provided that I survive my health ordeal.