The case of Greek ship owners and their
embrace of the Euro is but a microcosm of Greek society and the general mindset
of many in the Greek middle class.
Last Friday before the plebiscite, I received a plea originating from Mr. Dimitris Athanasopoulos Group Managing Director of Axia Ventures Group Ltd to vote ‘yes’. I was amazed at how so many smart, financially literate business people could be so incredibly blind to the mess in Greece and the stark reality starring at them in their faces:
Last Friday before the plebiscite, I received a plea originating from Mr. Dimitris Athanasopoulos Group Managing Director of Axia Ventures Group Ltd to vote ‘yes’. I was amazed at how so many smart, financially literate business people could be so incredibly blind to the mess in Greece and the stark reality starring at them in their faces:
- They were totally tone deaf to the prevailing public mood in Greece.
- I was amazed that these experienced business people would side with EU Creditors and their disastrous ‘pretend and extend’ fudges that have devastated the Greek economy.
- How could they be totally oblivious to the urgent need for substantial Greek public sector debt restructuring, as now officially attested by the IMF?
- Finally, they seemed incredibly naïve that this plebiscite would solve any problems, Greek banks could be opened in a few days and things would quickly evolve back to normality given the complexity of the present impasse and depth of the crisis.
How could they be insisting on more of
the same failed remedies of the last five years that have created social and
economic chaos, led to the disintegration of the Greek political system, put
into economic marginalization large swathes of Greek society and left Greece
more insolvent and bankrupt than ever? It
seemed to me incredibly foolish and masochistic.
For years the European Union has
expressed hostility to Greek Shipping.
The European Union has consistently taken positions at IMO that were
against the interests of the shipping industry in new and costly regulations
that are only held at bay by opposition from the United States and Japan with
the support of their Flag States. The EU
has never seen favorable the offshore status under Law 89 of Greek shipping
companies. Lately, Jean Claude Juncker, the EU
Commissioner has made a personal campaign to abolish Law 89 and increase taxes
on Greek Shipping companies
The ship owning community attempt to deal with this EU hostility by appeasement has failed again and again. They agreed to equalize tonnage tax to all vessels managed in Greece to the same levels as Greek flag vessels. Shortly thereafter they barely escaped an extraordinary tax levy on foreign exchange brought into the country that their maritime service industry brethren did not escape and had to pay. The following year, they tried again appeasement with a new ‘voluntary’ agreement for increased tonnage tax for which the Greek government reneged and passed a law that made the tax increases obligatory and even larger than initially agreed.
The ship owning community attempt to deal with this EU hostility by appeasement has failed again and again. They agreed to equalize tonnage tax to all vessels managed in Greece to the same levels as Greek flag vessels. Shortly thereafter they barely escaped an extraordinary tax levy on foreign exchange brought into the country that their maritime service industry brethren did not escape and had to pay. The following year, they tried again appeasement with a new ‘voluntary’ agreement for increased tonnage tax for which the Greek government reneged and passed a law that made the tax increases obligatory and even larger than initially agreed.
Was the Euro needed for the Greek
Shipping industry? Clearly no! To the contrary, the Euro was a mismatch to
the US Dollar, which is the base currency in the shipping industry. The Euro made office expenses and Greek
crewing more expensive. The shipping
industry never had any real capital control restraints with ample reserves in
US dollars that allowed unlimited travel abroad. The Euro decimated their home ship repair
industry in Perama.
Did the Eurozone participation
ensure political and economic stability in Greece as an intangible benefit to
offset the economic costs to the shipping industry? Clearly no!
Greece has been in turmoil for five years now whereas it had enjoyed a
long run of steady growth with the Drachma.
Participation in the Eurozone dramatically reduced these growth rates,
decimated local production, caused asset bubbles in real estate and household
indebtedness and made the country dangerously import dependent.
Today, Greece is more insolvent
than ever with an even more crushing public debt for the size of its GDP. The country has lost 25% of its GDP in the
process and now suffers nearly 30% unemployment and made its youth a lost
generation with over 50% unemployment, spurring substantial emigration,
especially among younger, educated Greeks.
The same applies to highly-qualified young Greeks in the shipping industry
with graduate education and professional certificates in shipping
qualifications like chartering, operations, finance and marine insurance. Foreign shipping operators are flooded with
CV’s from young Greeks, sitting idle and unemployed in Greece.
Ship owners talk about moving
abroad should Greece revert to a national currency. First, this seems shamefully unpatriotic and
total lack of any love of country.
Second, it would mean the end of any value-added content from Greece or
any vestige of competitive advantage over foreign competitors for being Greek
shipping. Greek shipping was competitive
and thrived because of the Greek maritime tradition, because of the close
relation between the vessel and the office with Greek seaman and finally because
of favorable off-shore tax treatment under Law 89. The Greek business model was vessel provider
with a high quality of service to charters.
This also generated a thriving
Greek maritime service industry that would be put in jeopardy with the departure
of Greek ship owners. Domestic Greek
banks supported particularly small, medium Greek ship owners, specializing in
the financing of older, bulk commodities vessels. These were invariably US dollar loans on the
Eurodollar market. The Eurozone crisis led
to the bankruptcy of the Greek banking system and undermined this access to
credit, putting smaller Greek ship owners at risk deprived of credit to roll over
and renew their fleets.
Moving abroad might work for
large Greek ship owners, but it will certainly be very difficult for smaller
Greek ship owners, who were very reliant on the local Greek banks and service
industry for their operation.
I sincerely believe that that best
deal for Greece (Greek ship owners and the Greek people) would be GREXIT with
very generous public debt restructuring and transition support for balance of
payments and other related issues.
Greece to be allowed to remain in EU as regular member like UK and
Nordics: Sweden, Denmark or if outside the EU, be given free-trade status that
would be an even better and more flexible arrangement to revive and restructure
the Greek economy.
The Drachma would facilitate
needed structural reforms that will take time to implement and bear
results. It would allow whatever
austerity to be offset with increased exports spurred initially by the
devaluation: a classic IMF work out program as succeeded in Turkey and other
countries. Sweden achieved this by
devaluation without any IMF program.
Sweden as opposed to Greece demurred on Eurozone participation.
The Drachma would be good for
Greek shipping. It would take off any EU
pressure to modify Law 89 and offshore status of Greek shipping companies. It would recreate lost competitive advantage operating
in Greece with savings on office and Greek crewing expenses. It would allow renaissance of Greek ship
repair industry, etc.
The Drachma would not create any personal
problems for people in the Greek Shipping community. Credit cards and travel abroad would not face
any difficulties with dollar shipping income and ample foreign exchange.
Drachma would mean more
employment opportunities in Greece for Greeks.
It would allow surge in investment at properly valued prices as well as
prepare ground for export boom.
Hopefully the Drachma will lead
to a new revitalized Greek political class that is outward looking and export
oriented and rid us of the present discredited political elite that drove the
country into the ground by failed EU-bootstrapping built largely on debt and transfer
money that funded unproductive, parasitic domestic crony capitalism. Hopefully, the Drachma will allow important
Constitutional revisions that create genuine institutional safeguards on debt
levels, public spending and political accountability to ensure the development
of a sound national productive base.
Hopefully GREXIT with suitable
revitalized Greek political leadership will provide the foundation for Greece
to follow the example of Singapore, keep and expand its presence and role as a
global maritime centre.